China we’re coming: Havana Berlin Express @ Boundless Matro International Boutique Village Suzhou , 2025 February 25nd – March 2nd


  • Sergio Medina – Vocals
  • Alexander Wienand – Piano
  • Urs Johnen – Bass
  • Rasiel Almanza – Percussion
  • David Millán – Drums
  • David Beecroft – Saxophone
  • Greg Ambroisine – Trumpet

Joy of life made sound, Cuban salsa and exciting European jazz: nothing less than that is what Sergio Medina, Alexander Wienand and Urs Johnen promise with their current formation Havana Berlin Express.

At the beginning of their joint work, the three of them went in search of the origins of salsa, son and rumba – or rather: Sergio, who is well known in the Cuban capital and has been an important figure in the local music scene for decades, took his friends on a journey through the musical world of the Caribbean island.
Together with soloists from the international scene, Havana Berlin Express present a rousing fusion of traditional Cuban salsa and contemporary jazz improvisation – and make it almost impossible not to dance…

Upcoming concert: Havana Berlin Express @ b flat Acoustic Music & Jazz Club Berlin, 2025 January 28th


  • Sergio Medina – Vocals
  • Alexander Wienand – Piano
  • Urs Johnen – Bass
  • Rasiel Almanza – Percussion
  • David Millán – Drums
  • David Beecroft – Saxophone
  • Greg Ambroisine – Trumpet

Klanggewordene Lebensfreude, kubanische Salsa und aufregender europäischer Jazz: nichts weniger als das versprechen Sergio Medina, Alexander Wienand und Urs Johnen mit ihrer aktuellen Formation Havana Berlin Express.
Zu Beginn ihrer gemeinsamen Arbeit begaben sich die drei gemeinsam auf die Suche nach den Ursprüngen der Salsa, des Son und der Rumba – oder vielmehr: Sergio, in der kubanischen Hauptstadt bekannt wie ein bunter Hund und seit Jahrzehnten eine Größe in der dortigen Musikszene, nahm seine Freunde mit auf eine Erlebnisreise in die Musikwelt der karibischen Insel.
Gemeinsam mit Solist*innen aus der internationalen Szene präsentieren Havana Berlin Express eine mitreißende Fusion von traditioneller kubanischer Salsa und zeitgenössischer Jazzimprovisation – und machen es fast unmöglich, nicht zu tanzen…

Joy of life made sound, Cuban salsa and exciting European jazz: nothing less than that is what Sergio Medina, Alexander Wienand and Urs Johnen promise with their current formation Havana Berlin Express.
At the beginning of their joint work, the three of them went in search of the origins of salsa, son and rumba – or rather: Sergio, who is known like a mad dog in the Cuban capital and has been an important figure in the local music scene for decades, took his friends on a journey through the musical world of the Caribbean island.
Together with soloists from the international scene, Havana Berlin Express present a rousing fusion of traditional Cuban salsa and contemporary jazz improvisation – and make it almost impossible not to dance…


Sergio Medina & Havana Berlin Express –
Studio Demo Edit

Sergio Medina Caballero, Vocals
Disnay Lopez Duany, Vocals
Alexander Wienand, Piano
Urs Johnen, Bass
Joel Lafont Castillo, Saxophone, Vocals
Diogenes Nodarse, Percussion, Vocals
Nikolaus Neuser, Trumpet
Yuniet Lombida Prieto, Saxophone
Andreas Pfeiffer, Guitar
Jan-Philipp Wiesmann, Drums

Christoph Schlimbach, Sound Engineering

Thanx to Bix Bender, Stefan Kern, Fernand Kenzler, Marcel Friedrich, Armin Schnürle and JTW Spandau for the pictures.

© 2023 Incubación Music Production

Live-Video: Sergio Medina & Havana Berlin Express @ Calwer Summer-Jazz-Festival

Live Impressions from Concert at Calwer Summer-Jazz-Festival, July 2021

Line up:
Sergio Medina, Vocals
Alexander Wienand, Piano
Urs Johnen, Bass
Alexander Scull, Percussion
Sebastian Kiefer, Drums
Stefan Koschitzky, Sax
Oslen Ceballo, Trumpet

Many thanks to StadtLandKultur e.V., Jazz am Schießberg and Stefan Kern (Camera)!

Sergio Medina & Havana Berlin Express @ Calwer Sommer-Jazz-Festival

Foto Impressions of Live Concert from July 2021 at Calwer Sommer-Jazz-Festival

Line up:
Sergio Medina, Vocals
Alexander Wienand, Piano
Urs Johnen, Bass
Alexander Scull, Percussion
Sebastian Kiefer, Drums
Stefan Koschitzky, Sax
Oslen Ceballo, Trumpet

Fotos: Ralf Recklies